by Darlene Wilson
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the piazza. Okay… at the piazza. It was the morning of our first Italian quiz, approximately 7:10 a.m., and as dutiful new students of the language we crammed words and phrases into our brains before we slept, perchance to dream of les mots italiens (hang on that’s French)… parole italiane… (that’s italiano) …a.k.a. “Italian words.” We even used home-made cue cards to reinforce the key words and phrases that Giovanni introduced in class—hopeful that this quick study method would be the ticket to an A on the test.
With cappuccino and breakfast treat in hand we gazed across the piazza for…hmmm… about 10 seconds. “Ready to study?” I say to Shelley. Out came the cue cards.
As the cappuccino cooled nicely (I find it’s already lukewarm when served) we shuffled through the deck of cards: Prime Minister? Mario Monte. Or President? It’s hot! Fa bello! How are you? Com’e sta? Nice to meet you. Piacere. My name is…. Me chiamo, Darlene.
There was a stirring from the table next to us, then a chuckle. Two elderly gentlemen pointed and smiled. Are these ladies crazy? This time is not for work…it is for awakening…greeting the day and each other. Nothing can be SO important that you must interrupt this social time to work. Americani!
Ahhh… but they don’t know the aroma of a freshly earned “A.”
p.s. We’re pseudo-Americani!…known here as Canadese. ☺
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